campus mistakes

3 common mistakes campus students make that you should be aware of



Joining campus is one thing and finishing campus is a different  thing. Below are 3 common mistakes campus students make that you should be aware of and avoid.

1. Forgetting  the essence of joining university

University  is about earning a degree. But, it’s also about making lifelong friends and exploring interests. Keep this in mind when choosing courses for the semester. For example, it may not be the best idea to stack five of the most challenging courses offered by the school into one semester. Do not forget to create a network and join clubs or organizations.

2. Misuse of Money

University life is expensive and beyond the expenses you already know about — tuition, books, and housing — you will incur many other expenses along the way. Setting up a budget. “You’ll need that money to last if you don’t have another stream of revenue.” Don’t form bad financial habits now, as do so many campus  students.

Spending so much on alcoholic drinks is not of importance while in campus but instead invest in a business. By the time you finish campus that business would have begun.  Kenyayote was a started by a student while in first year but 4 years later it has grown to become the top ranked education news website in Kenya.

3. Not Sleeping.

Between cramming and socializing, sleep may be in short supply. However, quality sleep is fundamental to quality learning. If you’re a night owl, avoid early morning classes. Also, avoid procrastination, which can lead to all-nighters.

Make use of your campus times. Four years are enough to transform or ruin your life. The ball is in your court.

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