Laetitia Victoria Mukungu rabbit business

Young entrepreneur focus of the week is 19 year Laetitia Victoria, founder, Womens Rabbit Association

For those who are reading this kind of post for the first time, Every Friday of the week we highlight on a rising young entrepreneur in Kenya. The segment is called “Young entrepreneur focus of the week.”. If you don’t want to miss it subscribe to our email alerts hereLaetitia Victoria Mukungu rabbit business
In our young entrepreneur focus of the week  today we look at 19 year old Laetitia Victoria Mukungu who is a record breaker. She completed her primary school  from Nairobi primary school and scored 431/500 marks.
Coming from a poor family Laetitia Victoria Mukungu could not join high school and so devised a way of raising fee to enable her continue with her education. This where her Rabbit business was born.
Laetitia Victoria  says quote unquote “After spending time researching on what I could start, I identified rabbit farming as a viable project. I came to learn that rabbit meat is high in demand in the region but supply does not match the demand,”
According to her, Rabbits can produce a number of  of kittens a year and do not require a lot of start up fee. They also live on  herbs and grass which are readily available.  She sells her rabbit to hotels for meat consumption  and this has enabled her continue with studies.
Laetitia Victoria Mukungu has received several awards and sponsors for her outstanding work and her determination to achieve her dream in life despite the difficult circumstances.

She has also been featured in severally international media houses for her achievement.
Her business has now been registered and turned into  “Women’s Rabbit Association”. You can watch Laetitia Victoria’s video presentation below

If your run a business of any kind and want to be featured in Kenyayote’s young entrepreneur of the week get in touch with our editor Elvis +254720680341 or drop us an email with you biz details via our contact section

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