kasneb revision papers

Where to download KASNEB: CPA, CPS, ATD, CIFA, notes, sample revision exams and papers

Get all your KASNEB notes online in a click of a mouse: CPA, CPS, ATD, CIFA

If you are planning to sit  for CPA, CPS, ATD, CIFA or any other KASNEB exams then we have all the resources available for you.  Top exams Kenya has gathered all the required KASNEB resources for students.

Here is just but a sample of what you will get

  • CPA  notes
  • CS(CPS) notes
  • ATD notes
  • CIFA notes
  • CICTnotes
  • PILOT PAPERS notes
  • Mock papers notes
  • KASNEB problem solvers notes
  • Guide on how to pass KASNEB exams notes
  • Sample revision questions notes
  • Syllabus for CPA, CIFA,  ATD, CICT, CS, DICT, DCM

Contact 0714366785 and you will  be guided on how to access all the above KASNEB  revision kits.

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3 responses

  1. Mohamed jillo Avatar
    Mohamed jillo

    Can I get revised notes for CS for section 1&2

  2. james otero Avatar
    james otero

    can I get access of ATD notes

  3. Isaac Wekesa Avatar
    Isaac Wekesa

    Can i please get CS revised notes and revision kits for section 4 and at how much. NOTE, they must be revised notes

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