Circular on new TSC Pay rise for teachers, July 2018, complete Increased Salary Structure in Job Groups

TSC Pay rise for teachers, July 2018 (Increased Salary Structure in Job Groups)

A circular released by TSC enumerates the pay rise of teaches in July 2018 in different job groups for secondary and primary school teachers. The circular is in pdf format and is available at but below are the summarized details of the Salary Structure.

Circular on new TSC Pay rise for teachers, July 2018, complete Increased Salary Structure in Job Groups
Circular summary of TSC Pay rise structure for teachers in July 2018 in different Job Groups/Photo of TSC staff


Kenyan Teachers Pay rise on July 2018 (according to Job Groups)

Find below a list of how teachers in Kenya will get their salary increase starting from July 2018 to 2021. As mentioned earlier, you can download the complete TSC new salary structures for teachers in pdf format at

The salary scale forms part of the implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) signed between teachers unions (KNUT) and (KUPPET) and SRC/TSC/Ministry of education.

TSC School Principals salary increase, 2018

  • Chief Principal. Job Group R (D5):  salary will increase from Sh148,360 to Sh152,937
  • Chief Principal, Job Group Q: salary will increase from Sh102,807 to  Sh111,201
  • Senior principals, Job Group P (D4): salary will increase from  ksh. 87,730 to Sh99,730
  • Senior principals, Job Group P (D4): salary will increase from  Sh109,249, to  Sh114,632.
  • Principals and deputy principals, Job Group M and N: salary will increase from Sh77,840 to  Sh90, 612
  • Principals and deputy principals II, Job Group M and N: salary will increase from Sh59,286, TO earn Sh77,840
  • Deputy principals II, Job Group N: salary will increase from Sh59,286 to Sh71,565
  • Deputy principal III:  salary will increase from  Sh77,840 to Sh85,269

TSC Head teachers pay rise, 2018

  • Senior headteacher, senior masters II and deputy principals IV, in Job Group M and N who used to earn between Sh55,231 to Sh77,840 will have a pay rise ranging from Sh66,177 to  Sh80,242
  • Headteachers, deputy head teachers and senior master  III: who used to earn between Sh29,427 to Sh55,604 will have a pay rise ranging from Sh40,849 to Sh60,613
  • Deputy headteacher II who used to earn between  Sh26,610 and Sh47,896, will have a pay rise ranging from  Sh35,927 and Sh49,912

Secondary and Primary School Teachers pay rise in 2018 (according to circular)

  • Secondary teacher I and senior teacher I who used to earn between Sh37,721 and Sh47,912 will have a pay rise ranging from Sh39,532 and Sh49,912
  • Senior teacher II, Secondary teacher II, secondary teacher II UT and primary SNE teacher in Job Group G-J who used to earn between Sh21,719 and Sh32,004  will get a pay rise ranging from  Sh27,325 to Sh32,988 with some allowances
  • Secondary teacher II, secondary teacher II, and primary SNE teacher in Job Group who use to earn between Sh32,988 to Sh42,642 will have a pay rise ranging from Sh34,955 to Sh43,694
  • Primary teacher I, secondary teacher III in Job Group H and J who used to earn between Sh25,929 to Sh31,956 will have a pay increase ranging from Sh27,195 to  Sh33,994.
  • Primary teacher II who earn between Sh19,224 to Sh24,250 get a pay increase from Sh21,756 to  Sh27,195.

Over 312,060 teachers are expected to start receiving the pay rise from 1st July 2018. The teachers salary increment will run to 2021.


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4 responses

  1. John Avatar

    Though which site should we apply for these internship jobs? Kindly

  2. Emilly Avatar

    I seriously need a job,am jobless

  3. Rogito Avatar

    Thanks for the update

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