teachers service commission jobs

TSC Job Application forms: How to apply for Primary, Post Primary teacher vacancies

teachers service commission jobs
Teachers Service Commission jobs (TSC/Image)

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Job Application forms: How to apply for Primary, Post Primary and teacher Replacement for available vacancies.

UPDATE: For 2020 and all the latest TSC teaching vacancies kindly check our category: Teachers News in Kenya .

The Teachers Service Commission is advertising 11574 posts for recruitment of additional teachers

(6,474 posts for primary schools and 5100 posts for secondary schools). 1,000  primary school teachers will also be promoted to secondary schools making the secondary total posts stand at 6100.

Eligible candidates should meet the following basic requirements:

(i) Be Kenya citizens.

(ii) Must be 45 years of age and below.

(iii) Must have original Professional and Academic Certificates.

(iv) Must be registered with the Teachers Service Commission.

N/B: Applicants who were engaged on contract as relief teachers should attach a copy of the contract letter and reporting casualty return.

Other Requirements

a) Applicants applying for posts in Primary schools must be holders of P1 certificate.

b) Applicants applying for posts in Secondary institutions must meet the following requirements:

  • Applicant must a Kenyan citizen
  • Must have a P1 certificate
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Education with two teaching subjects
  • KCSE C+ mean grade and C+ in the two teaching subjects

How to apply

All interested candidates should submit their applications online through TSC Portal not later than 14th September, 2020

  • The Teachers Service Commission is an equal opportunity employer and people with disability are encouraged to apply.
  • Manual application to the Commission will NOT be considered.

Successful candidates will be deployed to serve in stations in any part of the country and not necessarily in the County where they were recruited.


a) The recruitment exercise is free of charge. The Teachers Service Commission would wish to forewarn applicants against fraudsters who might extort money from unsuspecting persons purporting to assist in recruitment.

b) Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously been employed by the Teachers Service Commission. Any fraudulent activity should be reported to the nearest police station, TSC County Directors, Staffing Officers or to Teachers Service Commission headquarters through the following hotlines between 8.00a.m and 5.00p.m.

  1. Director (Teacher Management) Tel:0202892193
  2. Senior Deputy Director (Teacher Management Primary) Tel:0202892132
  3. Senior Deputy Director (Teacher Management Post Primary) Tel:0202892137


Write to the Commission through the email address dirtm@tsc.go.ke

For detailed information on available vacancies in sub-counties and schools/institutions applicants are advised to:

  • Visit the TSC Website www.tsc.go.ke
  • Visit the TSC office at the County or Sub-county of their choice

Source: The Teachers Service Commission vacancy notice

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8 responses

  1. Robert Avatar

    The portal is not working please, help me

  2. luteinant james Avatar
    luteinant james

    we need the jobs qualifications we do have schools have less teachers can they do something we are aging up TSC.

  3. Shem Onduko Avatar
    Shem Onduko

    This recruitment portal is not working, can you do sth to improve it kindly

  4. Protus Akolo Avatar
    Protus Akolo

    what about those with over 35 years but registered with tsc and jobless? How Will you deal with them?

  5. Moses Avatar

    How do you apply internship jobs for p1

  6. Ann David Avatar
    Ann David

    after internships,are teachers assured of permanent employment.

    1. Elvis Nyakang'i Avatar

      No, there is no guarantee that you will be employed after internship.

  7. beatrice akinyi Avatar
    beatrice akinyi

    I wonder how I have stayed for 8 yrs without being employed by tsc

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