How Treat Acne Using Natural Essential Oils in Kenya

How Treat Acne Using Natural Essential Oils in Kenya

Treating Acne using Natural Essential Oil: 8.6% CAGR( Compound Annual Growth Rate) is the expected growth rate for essential oils worldwide,towards the year 2022. This is a clear indication that people are fast discovering the benefits of using natural essential oils especially on beauty and skin treatment.

How Treat Acne Using Natural Essential Oils in Kenya
How Treat Acne Using Natural Essential Oils in Kenya/Photo



You might have thought that these oils have just been discovered, but that is not the case. Essential oils have been in existence since time in memorial. In the good book, the Bible, essential oils have been cited 188 times. Oils such as rosemary were used to salve during religious occasions or purposes and also aid in healing and treating various sicknesses.


Africa too was and has not been left behind in the use of these. In ancient Egypt, essential oils were used for religious rituals and preservations.

During this modern day and age, people have discovered the benefits and healing power of these oils, acne treatment being one of them. Whether caused by stress, diet change, medication or hormonal imbalance, acne is a self-confidence destroyer.

What causes acne?

Acne is as a result of clogged skin flakes and oils on skin pores, which pauses as a breeding ground for harmful bacteria activity.

What is an essential oil?

An essential oil is a watery substance which contains the pure natural extract from diverse plants and flowers. It is not completely oil but contains a very low level of solubility in water.

Why essential oils?

  • Possesses a revitalizing effect on the skin
  • Infiltrates through the skin tissues fast
  • Protects and relieves skin irritation
  • Contains powerful antioxidants, that is, creates harsh breeding environment for harmful skin
  • bacteria
  • Fights down pore clogging and is mild on the skin

Main effective natural essential oils

1.Bergamot oil

  • Belongs to the citrus family and has a delicious scent
  • Most efficient in fighting blackheads and skin blemishes


2. Tea tree oil

  • Possesses strong antibacterial agents
  • Considered as one among the best acne treatment oils
  • Minimizes acne-causing bacteria on and deep into the skin

3. Juniper Berry oil

  • Constitutes of necessary antibacterial agents
  • Aids in drying out pimples and restoring the affected skin areas
  • Most efficient in treating cystic acne

4. Lemongrass oil

  • Contains vitamin A and E which promote quick skin restoration
  • Minimizes acne scar appearances

5.Chamomile oil

  • Possesses a soothing effect on the skin
  • Minimizes inflammation and pimple redness

6. Rosemary oil

Contains absorbing effect for excess oils, which assist in clearing skin pores. This quality is great for preventing acne and restoring damaged skin

Where do you find these oils in Kenya?

You can purchase these oils from renowned beauty ships in the country. If you do not wish to move from one shop to the other searching for your specific oil of choice, you can shop from online stores available in the country. This is even a better option since you get the option to go get the oil yourself from a specific location, or it can be delivered to you.

How the treatment is done

  • The most effective essential oil acne treatment, is to externally apply on the affected areas. Easy as it may sound, there is one detail that may seem minor and even ignored but is key to achieving maximum positive results; and that is a clean face. Ensure that your face is clean before embarking on any face treatment.
  • You can also choose not to use the topical application method and rather use the steam method of application.

Acne Steam treatment method:How to go about it

  • Get boiled water and allow it to cool slowly, as you add the desired amount of the essential oil of choice.

PS: You should never at any given time, expose your face to boiled water.

After the water cools to a skin- friendly temperature, spread a towel over your head and bend slightly towards the water. Steam for around 7- 10 minutes.

In conclusion, I would really love to tell you that this is a one-time practice and it will work instantly, but unfortunately I can not. For you to achieve maximum desired results, this has to be a continuous routine.


Do not miss all our natural acne treatment procures

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