Punguza Mzigo bill for constitutional amendment in kenya, full pdf and summary of referendum questions

Thirdway Alliance Punguza Mizigo bill for referendum: pdf and summary



Summary of the Punguza Mizigo bill that seeks to amend the 2010 constitution in Kenya through a Referendum or download  full Punguza Mizigo bill pdf below.

Punguza Mzigo bill for constitutional amendment in kenya, full pdf and summary of referendum questions
Punguza Mizigo bill for constitutional amendment in Kenya, full pdf and summary of referendum topics/Photo of Ekuru Aukot and Thirdway alliance party members

What is Punguza Mizigo bill all about?

Punguza Mizigo is a Kiswahili word which means Reduce Burden.

Punguza Mizigo bill was drafted by Thirdway alliance party through its party leader Dr. Ekuru Aukot, who has in-depth knowledge on constitutional matters.

The bill seeks to reduce the number of political leaders or representatives in parliament and government expenditure in general. The most contentious matter is that It wants the number of MPs reduced from 416 to 147 by abolishing all constituencies in Kenya. More details available in the  attached pdf below.

Who funds Punguza Mizigo Bill

Punguza Mizigo constitutional amendment bill is largely funded by Third Way Alliance Kenya Party. Its party leader Ekuro Aukot noted that there are also other well wishers who do fund the initiative.

Summary of Punguza Mizigo constitutional amendment bill

The bills seeks to;

  • Reduces parliamentary expenditures in Kenya from KES 36.8 billion to KES 5 billion per year
  • Reduce the number of MPS from 416 to 147
  • Do away with constituencies and have 94 mps elected from each county  (47 women and 47 men)
  • Abolish MCA and senate nominations
  • The president to serve for one term of 7 years
  • Abolish position of deputy governor

About Thirdway alliance Party

Thirdaway alliance party was founded by Dr. Ekuru Aukot who is an advocate of the high court of Kenya. He contested for the presidential seat in the 2017 general elections and came a distant fourth.

Punguza Mizigo bill pdf

You can download full pdf of the Punguza Mizigo bill by clicking: Download Bill pdf. The bill is only 17 pages long.


More information on Punguza bill will be updated.

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One response

  1. douglas Avatar

    A very brainy son of kenya,sacrificed so much to come up with a wonderful constitutional amendment bill,but selfish and ignorant politicians foolishly watered ot down,but we wont give up,aluta continua!

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