letter to dead teacher

Teacher who died 2 months ago receives disciplinary letter from TSC over ongoing teachers strike



In what is now opening the rot in the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), Charles Owaka  a teacher who died July 2015  has  received a letter asking him to appear before TSC for disciplinary action for the ongoing teachers strike.  The late Charles Owaka TSC no. 146442 died  on July 2015 in an accident  in Oyugis and was buried on  4th August 2015. He is among other head teachers who received  similar letters from TSC

The letter reads;

“Records  held in this office indicate that you did not open your school on 31st August 2015 as per MOEST guideline. This is in contravention of MOE circular no 1 of 2015 and the TSC  circular no18 of 2015. You are therefore required to show cause why disciplinary  action should  not be taken against you.

Your response on the above should reach this office not later than seven (7) days from the date of this letter.

letter to dead teacher

TSC  has however denied that it  wrote the letter terming it  as fake.

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