How to balance fun and academics in Campus, College

How to survive through a crash programme in the university

It is every new student’s wish to complete university education in the shortest time possible. However, it is also important to note that, this kind of speed always comes at a price. The normal time taken in University is always four to six years although you can opt to do three or five years. This kind of a programme is known as the crash programme.
If you want to go through this programme stress free, it is advisable to take note of the following guidelines that will help you through:

Be prepared.

Before you enroll for the crash programme, you should be psychologically and physically ready. Keep in mind that unlike the holidays in the normal programme, this programme only has holidays that go for two to three weeks instead of a whole month or two. It means that, the student will indulge in more work and less play when doing this, thus getting ready for this rollercoaster is of the most essence.


It is advisable that you or the person sponsoring your education gets set with the tuition fees before every semester begins. This is because, there will be very limited duration of time given for fees payments. If you do this early enough, you will not have to go through the heartbreak of calling off your semester or even wasting a full year because of school fees.

Set your priorities right

We all believe that all work without play makes Jack a dull boy. However, this may not apply here. You will need to balance your studies with your extra-curricular activities in that the studies take more of your time. What should console you is the fact that in three years you will be done with that part of your life while you get to live the rest of your life a happy person.


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