How to start a fashion business in Kenya, nairobi Investment guide

How to start a fashion business in Kenya: Investment guide



Start a fashion business in Kenya: The fashion industry in Kenya has taken an upward trend ever since the 1990’s. It is evident that fashion trends have been evolving very fast if not daily. As a result of this, we now have a number of bloggers writing on the latest fashion trends and also advising on what to wear when and how to wear what.

How to start a fashion business in Kenya, nairobi Investment guide
How to start a fashion business in Kenya, nairobi Investment guide/Photo

For anyone who wants to venture into the fashion business, it is highly important to take note of the following pointers in order to keep up with the market trends and be successful.

Do your research

In a place where trends are evolving overnight, you should take note of what category of fashion you want to venture in. Try to venture into something exciting but not common.

Chose your audience

You will need to decide who you would like to sell to. For instance, if you are specific to an age group, lets say the teenagers or youth, know what they like the most. Again try and understand the reason towards their liking; is it comfortability or style or even affordability. With this knowledge you will be able to source your supply from the perfectionists while also avoid going through losses at the end.

Develop your fashion line

Always make an effort to stand out of the crowd. Have this one item that speaks millions about you as a business. For instance, if your main item is ‘Hareem Pants’, let all your hareem pant designs speak for themselves. A buyer should go online and search for Hareem Pants by so and so, and get what they want. This makes your business accessible because it will be marketing itself by standing out.

Chose your employees from the best

This is a very important move because these are the people driving the business. If you are to have tailors, get the best that you can. You can never go wrong with the perfect team. This also applies to your fabric suppliers. Always handpick your fabrics to avoid disappointments at the end of a project.

Preach what you are

It is important to note that you are your brand ambassador. Therefore always have your designs on you most of the time. By doing this, you will be advertising your business effortlessly.

With these points taken, your fashion line should be ready to go.


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