raila odinga saba saba rally statemement and speech 2017

Saba Saba rally in Kenya: Raila Odinga’s Pre-statement message



Find below a pre-statement by Raila Odinga ahead of the saba saba rally that will be taking place in Uhuru Park today ( Friday 7th July 2017).

raila odinga saba saba rally statemement and speech 2017
Raila Odinga Saba Saba rally pre-statement/Photo NASA Coalition

One morning 27 years ago, many men and women who believed in the idea that Kenyans must be free from fear, planned and staged a dramatic and daring protest that became known as Saba Saba. Many of us ended up in cells and detention camps but the courage and sacrifice ultimately won. Kenya became a multi party state once again. Freedom of speech and assembly was back.
Today, we gather in prayer, to honor the courage of ordinary Kenyans willing to risk life and limb to free their fellow citizens, but also to re-dedicate ourselves to that higher principle that Kenya must remain a democracy and government must be a tool to safeguard us and lift us from hunger, disease and poverty.
On July 7, 1990, Kenya’s population was not quite 20 million. For those who were too young or unborn, Saba Saba is one of those proud moments where my generation stood up for our rights and said no to dictatorship and oppression.
That was 23 million Kenyans ago, as we are now around 45 million. But within the last few years, the same oppressive tendencies have been reborn. What was a Kenya for all has become a Kenya for the few. Opportunities are for the few, the rich, the connected. Ordinary Kenyans have been left to struggle on their own. We are unable to feed our children. 12 million Kenyans are unemployed. Millions of our young people are losing hope and sinking to despair. Over 70% of Kenyans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction.
Today we launch the White Hat Clarion what will signal the start of a new people-led peaceful revolution to reclaim Kenya’s lost glory. I invite you to Kamukunji Grounds. Please wear white caps and carry white handkerchiefs as we mark Saba Saba.
This is the start of the liberation journey towards the day of Change – Nane Nane. Every generation has its date with history.
We owe it to ourselves to make Kenya a country of hope, a land of opportunity for all Kenyans, and a true home to all its children.

Do not miss our latest updates from the Saba Saba Rally!

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