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Revising for KCSE physics examination and sample papers

In a physics exam room, there are two things. It is either you know or you don’t know. If you are to succeed, you’ll have to know. The knowledge can however be gathered through a well-defined revision procedure which I am going to outline today. (NOTEl: Sample papers will be updated).


Emphasis on formulas


Formulas are clear routes to destinations (answers) in the exam room. In fact, in Physics, writing the correct formulae often earns you a mark because it’s an indication that you know which route to take.


Familiarizing yourself with the formulas to mathematical questions will give you an edge on the examination.


Revision questions and examples

Practice using revision questions and examples. Most examples written in text books are mirrors of what you are expected to grasp. Try tackling them without seeing the answers first then check where you’ve gone right or wrong. Do this as many times as possible even if it means repeating the same examples all over.

Revision questions reflect exactly what to expect in the exam room; do as many as you can.

One big secret: It may seem boring when you begin but the more you do them, the more enjoyable it becomes.

I also encourage usage of revision textbooks which have answers as they make your revision work more efficient.


Show others!

No matter how little you may know, as long as you’re sure about it; extend a helping hand to those who do not know.

Exhibiting your skills by showing others strengthens your knowledge and boosts your confidence. When you find similar or related questions in the exam, that becomes a ‘sure bet’.



Ignore not the practical sector of Physics, after all Physics is a practical subject.

There are always exam questions testing on the practical aspect of Physics. Pass through your experiments’ notes when revising for your exams. The notes are often replicated in the examinations.



Have a regular style of revision. Apply all the above points not just when the exams are nearing but all the time, throughout the term. This will also help you avoid the last minute rush which is often useless.


Even as you revise for your examinations, remember exams are not only there for you to pass but to prove that you are truly equipped with knowledge. So, the more thorough you become, the more true you become to yourself.

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