How to revise for KCSE CRE examination and sample revision papers

How to revise for KCSE CRE examination and sample revision papers

Revising for KCSE CRE examination and sample revision past papers: The Kenya Certificate  of Secondary Education  Examinations are around  the corner  and candidates  are rushing  into last minute  revision. If you are undertaking  Christian Religious Education (CRE) as one of your subjects, then you have a larger task because the subject is known to be wide. Hence there is every  reason to prepare thoroughly  least you find yourself unprepared on the day of examination. Don’t know  where to begin?

How to revise for KCSE CRE examination and sample revision papers
How to revise for KCSE Christian Religious Education, CRE examination and sample revision past papers/Photo


Cover every topic.

Jot down every topic that you have ever covered  since form one and allocate time to go through it. The time allocated should differ depending  on the complexity  of the topic.


Have a “questions and answers” session.

Always find time to draft  questions as you go through  topics. This will come in handy at the end of each study session for you will answer those questions  to weigh how well you understood  the topic.


Ask questions. Consult.

Do not hold yourself  back from asking questions. Make the CRE teacher your friend. You don’t  have to like them, but you need their expertise. Make friends with other students whose performance in CRE is exemplary and get to learn from them. You need others on your journey positive  K. C. S. E grading.


Read your Bible.

You might not be religious  but you shouldn’t  overlook the fact that you cannot pass CRE  without  knowledge  of major Bible stories. Set time aside  to go through  them and know them by heart. You can also use supportive  books to get an insight  of what the stories  really meant.


Latest KCSE CRE Examination sample revision papers will be shared here. Check back later.


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3 responses

  1. Lat Majok Avatar
    Lat Majok

    I appreciate your help please may you continue with this wonderful job and may God bless you all thank you.

  2. Brian kalali Avatar
    Brian kalali

    It really helped me thank you

  3. Viola mumbi Avatar
    Viola mumbi

    The information was helping ,thank you for adding to my knowledge

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