Source of Supreme Court Bees

REVEALED: Source of Supreme Court Bees



There was commotion outside the Supreme Court of Kenya yesterday as protestors and police were forced to flee a bee attack. This happened as five judges delivered the full ruling on the nullification of presidential elections, oblivious to the melee going on outside.



Several people were injured as everyone scampered to safety. Two people suffered severe bee stings that they required medical attention. Other victims tried the douse themselves with water, all in vain. The Police found their guns ineffective on this group of enforcers and were forced to join civilians fleeing the scene.

One of the two people seriously injured was a beggar who was stung to the point of losing consciousness. The second was a senior police officer who tried to help the beggar but was overpowered by the bees and had to take cover.

It took the courage of KBC journalist Victor Muyakane, to finally whisk the disabled boy to safety. In a widely circulated iconic photo, Mr. Muyakane is seen scooping the disabled boy into his arms and running with him. He received aid from first responders before he was rushed to hospital. After the incident the scene remained largely peaceful.

Victor Muyakane whisks disabled boy to safety. Photo | Courtesy

Reports emerged that Embakasi MP Babu Owino is the culprit who brought the bees to torment the protestors, mostly aligned to the ruling Jubilee coalition. Superstitious individuals speculated that the late Msando had finally decided to pay back his killers.


Consistent reports from police and witnesses however pointed that bees came from their hive on a post on Taifa Road. The bees were agitated by the commotion from the protestors and police. Others say one the protestors threw an object at the bees, setting them off.

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