recommended Foods and diet for Pregnant Mothers in Kenya

Recommended Foods for Pregnant Mothers in Kenya



Pregnancy comes with its owns diet. There are some types foods expectant mothers must eat and avoid for the healthy development of the baby. For Kenyan moms, below is a list of recommended ones.

Expectant mothers are required to eat the normal three meals with additional snacks in between in a day. However,  avoid eating too much junk foods as you should be mindful of excessive weight gain for you and your baby.

Below is a list of the foods that you should particularly supplement in your diet as recommended by a gynecologist;

recommended Foods and diet for Pregnant Mothers in Kenya
Recommended Foods and diet for Pregnant Mothers in Kenya

Dairy products

Dairy products are an important part of a pregnant mothers’s diet. Pregnancy comes with a risk of conditions such as pre-eclampsia, vaginal yeast infections and diabetes. Probiotics found in dairy products contain nutrients such as protein, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and zinc which are all equally important in preventing the above conditions.


A good example is beans. They contain fiber, iron and folate. You need all these nutrients for your baby’s development and also to prevent anemia.  Legumes will also protect you from constipation in your last trimester.

Sweet potatoes

They contain beta- carotene which is converted to vitamin A. Your baby needs this vitamin for development of eye sight and healthy bones. You will need around 10-40% more vitamin A. Be careful not to eat excess as it could be dangerous.

Fish products

Fish products especially salmon contain omega-3-fatty acids which are essential for the baby’s brain and eye development. For Kenyan expectant mothers, you can also eat Omena.


Eggs are one of the best sources of protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and choline. You wouldn’t want to miss all those nutrients in one package. However, be warned that too much consumption of eggs can lead to overweight which can inturn result to birth or delivery complications.

Dark leafy greens

They include spinach and kales. With leafy greens you are assured of fiber, vitamin C, iron, folate and potassium.

Lastly, take the recommended eight glasses a day to keep your metabolic processes in check.

NOTE: pregnancy comes with a lot  changes in eating habits . Sometimes you may not have the appetite to eat essentials foods or you may have excess appetite or you might be vomiting if you eat any of the recommended foods. If you are in that state, you have no choice, gynecologists recommend that  you should feed on what you can eat but make sure it is a balanced diet.

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