Latest updates of Raila Odinga Video speech today

Raila Odinga Speech Today (Updated Daily Video Archive)



Below is an update of Video speeches made by Raila Odinga Each Day. The page is updated on a regular basis to include today’s speech (Current day) .

Latest updates of Raila Odinga Video speech today
Latest updates of Raila Odinga Video speech today (meaning the current day)/Photo Source

Who is Raila Odinga?

Raila Odinga is the Current  leader of ODM party, NASA coalition and also the leader of opposition in Kenya. He also serves as the African Union High Representative for Infrastructure Development.

Summary Biography of Raila Odinga

  • Official Names: Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga
  • Highest Position Held: Prime Minister of Kenya (17 April 2008 to 9 April 2013)
  • Date of Birth: 7 January 1945
  • Wife: Ida Betty Odinga
  • Raila Odinga Children:  Fidel Odinga (died), Rosemary Odinga, Raila Odinga Junior and Winnie Odinga
  • Brother: Oburu Odinga
  • Popular Book: The Flame Of Freedom

Raila Odinga Speech Today

The Raila speeches are updated on a daily basis (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and most of them are linked from Youtube.

Raila Video Speech at Jane Kiano Memorial Service

Who is Jane Kiano? She was the Former chairperson of Maendeleo ya Wanawake Organization (MYWO) who died on October 26th 2018.

Speech Summary: Raila Odinga talked about his friendship with Jane Kiano and concluded by saying that He and Uhuru Kenyatta do not come from dynasties but are self made. Watch the full you tube video below;



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