pwani university first year opening dates and admission letters

Pwani University KUCCPS first year opening dates, admission letters and transfer

Pwani University KUCCPS first years opening dates, admission letters and inter university transfer notice.

pwani university first year opening dates and admission letters
Learn about pwani university first year opening dates and admission letters and how to transfer courses

2017 KCSE Candidates Admitted to Pwani University Programs

This is to inform you that opening dates for ALL Freshers Is scheduled for 2nd July 2018.

All freshers are required to report for their First Semester studies on that day.

You are advised to download your admission letter from the Pwanl University webslte ( to enable you prepare for reporting and also process your HELB Loan application on time.

NOTE  Inter University transfer requests are open for those wishing to Join Pwanl University .


How to download admission letters


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2 responses

  1. Ohiwa Washishtone Avatar
    Ohiwa Washishtone

    I can’t access my admission letter! Kindly help me get it…..42726105096/2019

    1. Kenyayote Support Avatar

      Download of admission letters has not started. Subscribe to our email updates to be alerted.

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