Presidential Debate in Kenya (Full Video) ,Raila Odinga, Monday 24th July 2017 uhuru kenyatta

Presidential Debate in Kenya (Full Video): Raila Odinga, July 2017



(Video) The last Presidential Debate in Kenya went down In Catholic University in the night of Monday 24th July 2017.  They are over five presidential Candidates who will be contesting in the August 2017  general elections but Incumbent president Uhuru Kenyatta of Jubilee party  and former prime minister, opposition leader Raila Odinga NASA coalition party are the main contenders. President Uhuru Kenyatta missed the debate without a reason leavig Raila Odinga to debate alone for 90 minutes and below is a summary of the same and an attached full you tube video of his presentation.

Presidential Debate in Kenya (Full Video) ,Raila Odinga, Monday 24th July 2017 uhuru kenyatta
Presidential Debate in Kenya (Full Video) ,Raila Odinga, Monday 24th July 2017. Also Learn Uhuru Kenyatta skipped the deabate/Photo live schreen


Summary of what Raila Odinga Said in the presidential Debate


On Youth Employment


Raila Odinga said that when elected, his government will focus more  on empowering informal sectors of employment as they create more jobs than formal sectors of employment

On Land Injustice

Raila Odinga said that he will implement the Truth Justice and reconciliation Report (TJRC) that talks about solving past injustice.

On Corruption

As stated in the NASA coalition party manifesto, Raila Odinga said that any one working with government will not do business with the government to avoid conflict of interest. He also said that he will empower independent institution to allow them deal with corruption.

On single Mothers

Raila Odinga said that they have a plan to empower single mothers although he did not state clearly what they will do for them.


What Kenyans are saying about the presidential debate

  • Isaac Ruto: Congratulations our captain, Hon. Raila Odinga for respecting Kenyans and for the clear articulation of the NASA vision during the.
  • H.E. James Ongwae‏: Great discourse on what Raila Odinga wants for Kenya. Promising, resorting and refreshing.
  • Hon. Junet Mohamed‏: Simple reason why Uhuru Kenyatta didnt attend Presidential Debate is because he has nothing new to tell Kenyans.He has failed.
  • Bernard Kiala‏: Finally the Undecided have DECIDED tonight. The 5th president of the republic of Kenya is Raila Amolo ODINGA. Period
  • Joyce Omondi Waihiga‏: That was a great closing statement. Spoken like a true Statesman. Thanks for showing up Raila Odinga.
  • Francis Waithaka‏: I don’t see how Uhuru has gained by skipping the debate. He has actually lost a golden chance to tilt the election to his side
  • Jonathan Mueke‏: Congratulations Raila Odinga for respecting Kenyans and giving us more reason to vote you in at 6am come August 8th.


Full You Tube Video of the Monday 24th July 2017 presidential debate in Kenya

  • Venue of Debate: Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Karen
  • Moderators: Joe Ageyo (KTN) and Linus Kaikai (NTV)
  • Why Uhuru Kenyatta skipped debate: Feared accountability


Do not miss our updates on what Kenyans are saying about the presidential debate in Kenya and Raila Odinga’s performance.

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