Pharmacy and Poisons Board class notes, exam revision papers

Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) exam papers and Class Notes

Download pdf of Pharmacy and poisons board model exam papers and class notes listed below for revision purposes.

The types of PPB exam series past papers available include:

  • PPB Model Exam Level One, Paper1: Comprises of part1 and part 2 with several revision questions
  • PPB Model Exam Level One, Paper2
  • PPB Model Exam Level two
  • PPB Model Exam Level two , paper 2
  • Pharmacy class notes on drug stability
  • pharmacy class notes on tablets
  • pharmacy class notes on drug incompatibility
  • Clinical Pharmacy class notes
Pharmacy and Poisons Board class notes, exam revision papers
Pharmacy and Poisons Board class notes and exam revision papers/Photo

How to download PPB revision papers and class notes

The download process is as follows:

  • Select the paper level or class notes you are interested in
  • Click Buy Now button
  • Pay and Download pdf

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7 responses

  1. Ann Avatar

    I need revision papers for ppb level one pliz

  2. Phoebe Avatar

    I need revision papers for ppb level 2

  3. Mercy Avatar

    In need of level one paper

  4. Jane Avatar

    Interested in ppb exams stage 1 papers 1 and 2

    1. Kenyayote Support Avatar

      Past papers are available

  5. Webb Avatar

    Hey Samuel,
    Have you been contacted? I need help to prepare for ppb exams too.. cheers

  6. samuel katitia Avatar
    samuel katitia

    interested with ppb exams

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