Paul Otuoma decamps from NASA to Jubilee party

Paul Otuoma decamps from NASA to Jubilee party



Former Funyula MP and Busia Governor aspirant Dr. Paul Otuoma has decamped from NASA to jubilee party. In the photo below Dr. Paul Otuoma is seen welcoming deputy president William Ruto today (18th September 2017). Otuoma will be hosting president Uhuru Kenyatta ahead of the scheduled campaign in the region.

Paul Otuoma decamps from NASA to Jubilee party
Paul Otuoma welcoming William Ruto /Photo


Dr. Paul Otuoma had resigned from ODM and contested as an independent candidate against ODM’s Sospeter Ojaamong where he lost with a great margin. He joins Budalangi mp Ababu Namwamba who lost his seat to Raphael Wanjala  in Campaigning for jubilee party in the region.

Busia County is predominantly considered to be a NASA voting block as witnsessed in the cancelled august 8th presidential elections.


Busia County elected members of parliament on 8th August 2017 elections

  • RAPHAEL BITTA SAUTI WANJALA-Budalangi Constituency (ODM)
  • JOSEPH H MAERO OYULA-Butula Constituency (ODM)
  • WILBERFORCE OJIAMBO OUNDO-Funyula Constituency (ODM)
  • GEOFFREY MAKOKHA ODANGA-Matayo Constituency (ODM)
  • SAKWA JOHN BUNYASI-Nambale Constituency (ANC)
  • EDWARD OKU KAUNYA-Teso North Constituency (ANC)
  • GEOFFREY OMUSE-Teso Sourth Constituency (ODM)


Do not miss all our updates of Jubilee party in Busia county

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