Raila Odinga NASA Issues Fresh Demands to IEBC ahead of repeat elections

Raila Odinga, NASA Issue Fresh Demands Ahead of Repeat Elections



NASA flag bearer Raila Odinga said the opposition will not participate in the repeat elections the IEBC had slated for 17th October unless a raft of demands are addressed. One of the demands the coalition wants addressed is the date for the repeat election. Speaking to the media at Wilson Airport, Raila said that Jubilee set the date for their own convenience. Raila says that the IEBC needs to have consulted all stakeholders before coming up with the new election date.


Raila’s accusation that it is Jubilee that set the date stems from Education C.S., Fred Matiang’i’s earlier request to the commission to set the election date before 17th October so as not to interfere with the education calendar.


In support of Raila’s sentiments, Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula said that one need not the Pythagoras theorem to know that IEBC is dancing to Jubilee’s tune. On their part, NASA prefer that the election be held between 24th and 31st November.

Another demand NASA made is on the number of participants on the polls. IEBC stated that only President Uhuru and Raila Odinga will be candidates. NASA posited that this is a repeat poll and not a re-run, hence the need for other candidates to be included.

NASA also resounded their calls to have some IEBC offcials sent home and a new team to take over. The opposition said that some IEBC commissioners were found culpable and are therefore not fit to oversee another election.


Finally, NASA says that the court order for an open audit of IEBC servers has not been honoured. The opposition said that the technology need to be accessible to all stakeholders before they can give the commission a clean bill of health.

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