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My painful fight with neck cancer: Joel Evans story



We completely have no control over our body.  It is an almost abnormal thing that one day your body will become your enemy and turn on you. It will cause you so much pain, suffering and depression.

This is a story of Joel Evans well known as (Governor Joel Evans)  who is a fourth year student in Moi University Main Campus.

The story of  Joel Evans’ battle with cancer  started early this year when he begun to experience mild itch on his neck.  It later turned to be serious causing him severe headaches. He begun  a very steep learning curve about hospitals.  He had to take painkillers everyday.

In early October,  he was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) cancer and adviced by his doctor  rush to the hospital of Apollo,in New Delhi, INDIA, as soon as possible for treatment to save his life.

For Joel Evans, it is all about examining his diet, lifestyle and environment. No eating red meat, No soda, No chips, No sugar, no ice-cream!  It  is difficult to live in this life but there is no choice.  It is a do or die situation.

Joel Evans says “This is a wake-up call for me.  I recognize that somewhere someplace i did something wrong to my body. It has taken me a long time to come into terms that i have cancer, but I now see that even in the worst situation i am in, there are wonderful gifts, hidden opportunities and life changing lessons.”

Safaricom (MPESA): 0791 393 535
Airtel: 0736 683 857
Bank (National Bank of Kenya.): 01260061109500joel figting cancer banner
JOEL EVANS NEEDS Ksh. 900,000 to cater for  treatment in India. Help him see tomorrow.

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