typical kenyan meals food menu plan

Most consumed foods by students in Kenya: Meals of Choice



Below is a list of foods that you will find in at least every hostel in campus. Some foods are common to a particular gender while others are consumed during some meals.


A meal of Spaghetti
A meal of Spaghetti

1. Sukuma Wiki +Ugali+Ovacado

Literally known as “push the week”, Sukuma wiki is the most consumed food in campus. Almost 90% of campus students depend on Sukuma wiki plus Ugali for their daily meal as it is cheap. It is commonly  mixed it with Ovacado to add flavor


2. Rice + beans

Rice plus beans are the second highly consumed foods in campus because they go at an affordable price. Rice is sometimes mixed with meat like meal called Sossi.

3. Githeri

It is literally known as “kokoto.” At least every high school in Kenya serves Githeri as a basic meal. Owing to this factor, many students get used to it and therefore can’t avoid consuming it in campus.

4. Spaghetti +Potatoes

Spaghettis are mostly consumed by ladies. You will rarely find guys cooking spaghettis in campus. Spaghettis are normally mixed with potatoes. However, few students who can afford meat use it as an alternative of potatoes. Spaghettis are sometimes mixed with another cheap alternative of meat called Sossi

5. Chips

Chips is one of the most consumed meal among students during lunch time hours. About 70% of those students who consume chips are ladies but the percentage is reducing as ladies are becoming more concerned with its effect to their physical appearance

6. Omena

Of all the foods I have mentioned above, Omena is the only food that I don’t eat. Not only Omena, but I don’t eat any kind of food related to the fish family. Omena is mostly consumed by students who come from the southern part of Nyanza (LUO). However, Omena is becoming a popular meal among students from some parts of Rift valley province, Central, Western, and Eastern Kenya.

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