how to write a video script

How to write a video script and sample Doc



Below is a brief guide on how to write a video script and sample script document

Types of Video scripts

Below are some of the video scripts that you should know

  • Talk show scripts
  • Play scripts
  • Educational scripts
  • Documentaries scripts
  • Magazines scripts
  • Feature story scripts
  • News scripts
  • Television Scripts
  • Youtube Video Scripts
  • Social Media Video Script
  • Explainer Videos
  • Marketing Videos

Video Script Writing Steps

The steps of writing a video scripts are;

  • Draw a table and divide it into six columns (on office word)
  • Add the following headings  to the six columns;
  • Column 1: Shot number
  • Column 2: Visual –action that will be shot (for instance children playing, girl crying, people singing)
  • Column 3: Shot (for instance medium long shot)
  • Column 4: Narration or Voice Over (what is going to be narrated in your script)
  • Column 5: Background Music or Audio
  • Column 6:  Location (where  the video will be shot)

Type of shots used

Some of the shots you can use when shooting include

  • Medium long shot (MLS)
  • Medium shot (MS)
  • Medium too shot (M2S)
  • Long shot (LS)
  • Close up (CU)

Sample Video Script

Below is a sample video script;

sample video script doc
sample video script/Photo Source

NOTE: You can download pdf or doc of the sample tv script from

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