Migori County ODM Party primaries results, senator, mp winners in April 2017 nominations

Migori County ODM party nominations results: Primaries Winners Okoth Obado vs Ochilo Oyako

Migori County Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party primaries, Monday 24th April  2017: The ODM party nominations went down in Migori County on Monday. The Most hotly contested seat in the Migori primaries was  that of  Migori gubernatorial which brought two rivals Governor Okoth Obado and Ochilo Oyako.

Migori County ODM Party primaries results, senator, mp winners in April 2017 nominations
Migori County ODM Party primaries results, senator, mp winners in April 2017 nominations/Photo


Migori County is a voting stronghold for opposition leader Raila  Odinga according to the  2013 presidential elections results  where he garnered the largest number of votes against his closest competitor president Uhuru Kenyatta of Jubilee party.

NOTE: Results of winners and losers will be updated once they are officially announced by the returning office

Gubernatorial Results

  • Governor Okoth Obado: 110142 votes
  • Ochilo Oyako: 59411 votes


NOTE: ODM primaries results for Migori County will be  updated once the returning office announced the winner from the tallying center.

[irp posts=”22327″ name=”IEBC March 2013 general elections complete data report: Voters, Aspirants, Parties, Polling”]
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