M-secure website, How to Secure Mpesa shop, business, Register msecure

M-secure website: How to Secure Mpesa shop, business, Register msecure



You probably  have heard of M-secure, a new Kenyan Innovation that is meant to secure mpesa customers against theft. This post comprehensively looks into this new mobile security platform msecure and highlights other services that it offers that you might not know. You will also get to know subscription process and  how to register and pay.

M-secure website, How to Secure Mpesa shop, business, Register msecure
M-secure website, How to register and Secure Mpesa shop, business, with msecure Kenya/photo


What is M-secure?

M-Secure is a service which offers security solution run by  G-Dane Tech Limited a global leader in technology and software solutions.  M-secure comes as a Mini device with a control panel, Several panic buttons and is a Portable device.
How does M-secure work?

Msecure comes with security systems which transmits information to control panels. In case of a security threat,  the mpesa shop attendant discretely presses the M-Secure panic buttons  which instantly sends an alert to G-Dane office-control room, the nearest police station and three other selected numbers that then react.

Charges of M-secure
M-secure does not state their charges publicly  but if you are an M-pesa business person/agent  who needs  their security , you will be charged accord to the float of your mpesa. That is;

  • BRONZE: CASH FLOAT: 50, 000 and below
  • SILVER: CASH FLOAT: 50,001-100,000
  • GOLD: CASH FLOAT: 100,001-200,000

Types of Businesses and Services  protected by M-secure

How M-secure works
How M-secure works/Image

M-secure for Businesses

This is a security service designed for businesses that deals with cash, in the event that when a robbery occurs, M-secure reimburse you all the cash that has been stolen within 72hrs (3 working days), after a thorough investigation has been done.

M-secure for Homes
This is a security service which is designed for homes, once M-secure button is triggered, it will send an alert to the nearest police station, the police on patrol (who are allocated in that area) and to M-secure control center. The client will have to give us a valuation of the things he or has in the house, which we will also have to verify after his registration, to enable us know what to compensate in the event that robbery occurs, the compensation period is less than one week after thorough investigation.
M-secure for Health/elderly

m-secure business security alert button
m-secure business security alert button/Image

This service is designed for elderly, it’s also in form of a watch, it enables you to monitor your heartbeat, in case you are very sick and you need help and there is no one around to help you, you just press onto it and it will send an immediate alert to the three numbers that you nominated, for help.

M-secure for Children
This security service is designed for children to offer them protection, it’s designed inform of a watch, and it enables you to know the where about of your child anywhere they go, and everywhere they play, so that you feel at ease.

In case your child is kidnapped, you are able to locate him/her and alert the police for rescue, M-secure for children also come with different packages and features like geo-fencing, geo-fencing is a feature that enables you to restrict the movement of your child past a certain area or region, in that shall he passes the restricted area, the M-secure will give you an immediate alert, indicating for you immediate location where your child is, you can also have a two-way conversation, and it also has a camera.
M-secure for House Help
This service is designed for house helps, it is designed inform of a watch, it has a camera and the house help is meant to wear it at all times, the owner of the house is able to monitor all the movements of her house girl, in case that watch is removed out of the hand, it will alert the owner of the house, it also has a two-way communication, in that the owner of the house is able to call her house girl through the M-secure watch and communicate to each other at the same time.


M-secure Customer Care

  • M-secure physical office location: Mombasa road, Red Commercial Complex building Block B second floor.
  • M-secure official Mobile Phone Number: +254 730 635000
  • M-secure Email: info@g-dane.com
  • M-secure  official Website: www.g-dane.com

NOTE: M-secure is not a safaricom driven innovation

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