influential politicians in kenya

List of People who have declared their wealth in Kenya to help in fighting corruption

List of People who have declared their wealth in Kenya  to help in fighting corruption

Kenyans are eager to know how rich are those people that appear on TV or print media on a daily basis. The wealth declaration call has picked up and Kenyans are demanding for their leaders to declare their wealth to help in fighting corruption.



Below is a list of just but a few of the people who have declared their wealth in Kenya


1.) Robert William Collymore 

CEO-Safaricom Limited

No of working years: Over 30 yrs

Montly salary: About ksh. 10 million

Net Assets

Land and Buildings – Residential House in London UK $530,000
Cash Balances in Local Banks $203,000
Cash Balances in Banks in UK $935,000
Safaricom Limited Shares $180,000
Vodafone PLC shares $871,000
Total $2,719,00

2.) Activist and Photographer Boniface Mwangi

Before declaring his wealth he had this to say:  “We asked our leaders to make their wealth declarations public. In the spirit of transparency, my and wife are declaring our wealth too. We have three young children who are all in school. The most expensive expenditure is good quality education, so most of our money goes there. Both of us have a combined work experience of over 20 years but our wealth doesn’t reflect. Apart from the small savings we have for a rainy day, we survive paycheck to paycheck”

Boniface Mwangi is worth: ksh. 3 million . He also owns others assets which he did not state their worth plus salary.


3.) Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) CEO boss Joshua Oigara
Salary: Ksh. 4.9 million
Net assets of $2.7 million (Sh277.3 million)


4.) Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua


Declared his worth in the ethics and anti corruption commission but that has not been made public


The list of Kenyan’s wealth will keep on being updated as leaders declare their wealth


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