government internships

List of newly appointed Cabinet secretaries and state officers by president uhuru Kenyatta



President Uhuru Kenyatta has appointed Eugene Wamalwa as Cabinet secretary for ministry of water and irrigation. Wamalwa a close ally of the jubilee government becomes the first CS to serve in the newly formed water ministry. The state appointments comes shortly after some cabinet secretaries were ordered by president kenyatta to step aside pending investigations of alleged involvement in corruption.

Find below list of newly appointed Cabinet secretaries and other state officers by president Uhuru Kenyatta

  1. Former Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa-Cabinet Secretary for Ministry of Water and Irrigation.
  2. Lieutenant-General Samson Mwathethe-Chief of Defence Forces
  3.  Monica Juma-Secretary to the Cabinet
  4. Gordon Kihalangwa-Principal Secretary, in the Department of Interior, Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government
  5. Lieutenant-General Joseph Kasaon -Vice Chief of Defence Forces-Designate
  6. Major-General Leonard M. Ngondi promoted to Lieutenant-General and appointed Kenya Army Commander-Designate.
  7. Nzioka Waita-Secretary of Delivery in the Executive Office of the President.

The appointments were made on April 17, 2015 by president Uhuru Kenyatta and the nominees have to go through parliament grilling before they are approved.



Newly Appointed Principal Secretaries in Kenya by president Uhuru Kenyatta after cabinet reshuffle on 24th November 2015



Cabinet Secretaries


Agriculture – Willy Bett
Attorney General – Prof Dr Githu Muigai
Defence – Amb Dr Raychelle Awuor Omamo
Devolution & Planning – Mwangi Kiunjuri
Education – Dr Fred Okengo Matiangi
Energy & Petroleum – Charles Keter
Environment – Prof Judi W Wakhungu
Finance & National Treasury – Henry K Rotich
Foreign Affairs – Amb Amina Mohamed
Health – Dr Cleopa Kilonzo Mailu
ICT – Joe Mucheru
Industrialization – Adan Mohamed
Interior – Gen (Rtd)Joseph K Nkaissery
Labour & EAC Affairs – Phylis J K Kandie
Lands – Prof Jacob T Kaimenyi
Mining – Dan Kazungu
Public Service, Youth & Gender Affairs – Sicily Kanini Kariuki
Sports, Arts & Culture – Dr Hassan Wario Arero
Tourism – Najib Balala
Transport & Infrastructure – James Macharia
Water & Irrigation – Eugene Wamalwa


Principal Secretaries


Agriculture – Richard Lesiyampe

Arts, Culture – Joe Okudo
Basic Education – Dr Belio Kipsang
Broadcasting & Telecommunications – Sammy Itemere
Cooperatives – Ali Noor Ismail
Correctional Services – Micah Powon
Defence – Amb Peter K Kaberia
Devolution – Mwanamaka Mabruki
EAC Integration – Betty Chemutai Maina
Energy – Eng. Joseph Njoroge
Environment – Charles Sunkuli
Fisheries – Prof Ntiba Micheni
Foreign – Dr Amb Monica Juma
Gender Affairs – Zeinab W Hussein
Health – Nicholas Muraguri
Housing & Urban Development – Aidah Munano
ICT & Innovation – Victor Kyalo
Industry & Enterprise Development – Julius Korir
Infrastructure – John Musonik
Interior – Eng. Karanja Kibicho
International Trade – Dr Chris Kiptoo
Irrigation – Patrick Nduati Mwangi
Labour – Khadija Kassachoom
Lands – Mariam El Maawy
Livestock – Dr Andrew K Tuimur
Maritime Commerce – Nancy Karigithu
Mining – Dr Mohammed Ibrahim Mahmud
National Treasury – Kamau Thugge
National Water Services – Fred Sigor
Natural Resources – Dr Margaret Mwakima
Petroleum – Andrew Kamau Nganga
Planning & Statistics – Saitoti Torome
Public Works – Dr Paul Maringa Mwangi
Social Security & Services – Susan Mochache
Special Programmes – Josepheta Mukobe
Sports Development – Richard Ekai
Tourism – Fatuma Hersi
Transport – Wilson Nyakera Irungu
University (Higher) Education – Prof Colleta Suda
Vocational & Technical Training – Dr Dinah Jerotich Mwinzi
Youth and Public Service – Lilian Omollo

We will keep updating this post as and when necessary.

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