Marie Wanja donations

Let’s Fight for the Life of Baby Marie Wanja



Let’s  help Baby Marie Wanja fight Cancer


A lot of things are easy to say. You can talk about your future and what you intend to achieve in life if you are comfortable.  But what can you say when you are born with a painful disease that confines you to bed. What can you say (or do) about the future when you are not even certain whether today will come to an end?

This is exactly what Baby Marie Wanja is going though. For her, it is all about crying in the middle of the night over chronic back pain.

Marie Wanja cancer
Photo:Marie Wanja

Baby Wanja Was diagnosed with cancer 7 months ago at the stage 2b. A kind called ALVEOLAR RHABDOMIOSARCOMA, which was at her back. The mass was 6cm by 3.5cm, it was removed and she received 30 sessions of radiotherapy. In less than 3 months, the cancer has recurred, it’s now at stage 4, the back has swollen again and second operation was done Thursday 26th May 2016. The cancer has spread to the lungs and to her right leg. She requires urgent medical attention. We need to take her to India for the same but we are in serious financial crisis.


She kindly needs your financial Help



  • Paybill  No: 633641
  • Account name: Marie Wanja.

Bank Account Donations

  • KCB
  • Number:  1182000495.

Your little or big contribution will have saved her life.

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Marie Wanja donations

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