uber drivers in kenya strike protest

Latest on Uber Drivers Strike in Kenya: Inside Nairobi Protesters Demands

Kenya Digital Taxi Association has announced that all Uber Taxi drivers will be going on strike on Thursday  23rd February 2017 due to susptandard payments.  Uber had dropped its charges per Kilometers from  ksh. 60 to 30 ksh. 30. The digital taxi company takes 25% of of the total pay received  from  client l leaving the drivers with 75%.

uber drivers in kenya strike protest
Uber drivers strike in Nairobi, Kenya/Photo



The  drivers are demanding for increase in fare charges.


A post published by the Kenya Digital Taxi Association page reads, “Uber is a big brand and has its own loyal customer base and adding. The people who uses them are happy with their services and efficiency and were too happy with the old rates. By starting to compete with startups and other hustlers they are only making its loyal customers feels uncomfortable when being ferried by ubers because the physical threat from others players like boda Boda and karuras is increasing and drivers demoralized.
Secondly the issue of demand increasing is not realistic because of traffic jams and drop off locations e.g I have dropped customers in ruiru, githurai, jkia and Karen from cbd and waited for more than and an Hour and no return client and end up using the money for the trip on fuel. The Kenyans market is big and enough for everyone

The Uber drivers have insisted that they will go strike until uber addresses it problems. They indicated that they are making loses as the pay they receive cannot meet servicing the cars and petrol charged.

Uber Kenya official website www.uber.com/nairobi


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