May 2018 Tifa research opinion polls on county score cards mombasa, kisumu and nairobi

Latest Tifa Opinion Poll for Counties: Governors score Card (Grading) in Kenya

Tifa Research today (May 15, 2018) released opinion polls on citizen’s score card for Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu County government. The polls took the grading criteria, that is (C+, C and D+). Anyang Nyongo took the lead, followed by Hassan Joho then Mike Sonko.

The focus of the Tifa opinion polls were on


  • The county governments’ performance in the delivery of key devolved services.
  • The Big 4 Agenda
  • The uptake of NHIF & the current household food security status

Summary of  TIfa Score Card for Kisumu, Mombasa and Nairobi County

  • Kisumu County (Governor Anyang Nyongo):  C+
  • County (Governor Hassan Hoho): C
  • Nairobi County (Governor Mike Sonko): D+

Kisumu County (Governor Anyang Nyongo): Tifa Opinion polls score Card

The Kisumu County government performance attained a 56% rating from the citizens

Kisumu County (Governor Anyang Nyongo) score Card
Summary of Kisumu County (Governor Anyang Nyongo) score Card/Photo

Mombasa County (Governor Hassan Joho) Score Card

According to the Tifa survey; The Bad sewerage system in Mombasa is brought about by blocked sewers, Lack of Sewerage system maintenance and pollution.

Mombasa County (Governor Hassan Joho) Tifa Opinion polls
Mombasa County (Governor Hassan Joho) score Card

Nairobi County (Governor Mike Sonko) Score Card

40% of Nairobi residents feel that devolution hasn’t had any effect on their household welfare

Governor Mike Sonko Tifa Opinion polls score Card
Nairobi County (Governor Mike Sonko) Tifa Opinion polls score Card

Source: Tifa Research


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