Latest News from Amina Mohamed on KNUT Teachers Strike in Kenya, January 2019

Latest News from CS Amina on KNUT Teachers Strike in Kenya, 2019

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) will have a long battle after Education CS Amina Mohamed announced that the ministry of education supports the stand taken by Teachers Service Commission (TSC) CEO Nancy Macharia.

Latest News from Amina Mohamed on KNUT Teachers Strike in Kenya, January 2019
Latest News from Education CS Amina Mohamed on KNUT Teachers Strike in Kenya, January 2019/Photo

Labor Relations Court Stops KNUT strike

TSC had moved to the Employment and Labor Relations Court to stop the KNUT  teachers strike that was expected to start on 2nd January 2019.  The court on 31st December 2018 issued an order barring the KNUT strike and directed that the TSC and KNUT to continue negotiating and consulting on the matter.

Amina Mohamed’s Ministry of Education take on the teachers strike

Through a tweet sent on 2nd January 2019, Amina Mohamed saidCEO TSC has pronounced herself clearly on the issue of Continued teaching. Education Ministy and the rest of Government are fully in support of that pronouncement. Schools will reopen on 3.01.19 and we will do everything possible to ensure that learning continues uninterrupted

KUPPET ON KNUT’s Teachers strike

KUPPET Chair, Omboko Milemba while addressing a press conference in Kisumu on 31st December 2018 indicated that they are not opposing KNUT strike since it is their constitution right. He however did not declare support.


Do not miss all our latest updates on Teachers strike in Kenya in 2019

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