teachers service commission

KNUT’s Wilson Sossion argument on the credibility of 2016 KCSE Exam results



Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) Secretary General Wilson Sossion has criticized the KCSE 2016 exam results that were released by CS Matiangi.  While appearing on a TV interview, Sossion made the following points;

teachers service commission
TSC chair and KNUT sg Wilson Sossion/photo


  • Sossion: I agree in stamping out of examination cheating
  • Sossion: Markers did their work well
  • Sossion: I have a problem with the way the exams were processed
  • Sossion: One grading system was applied across all subjects which is not the standard form
  • Sossion:  Look at population per subject and propose an appropriate grading system
  • Sossion: Markers did not acquaint themselves with the exam papers before going to mark
  • Sossion: Coming up with the marking scheme was not appropriate
  • Sossion: We are not part of the cartels, we have just raised is specific concerns and want specific answers.
  • Sossion: You cannot change the grading system so suddenly. You cannot use one uniform grading system.
  • Sossion: We are not calling for remarking

The full remarks made by Wilson Sossion are available in a report published by KNUT.

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