IEBC Kibra By election winner candidates Okoth Bernard Otieno Imran of ODM and McDonald Mariga of Jubilee party

Kibra by Election 2019 Date: IEBC Results of Winner Announcement Day



The Kibra by election will be conducted on Thursday 7th November 2019. Below are dates when results and winners will be announced by IEBC.

NOTE: Okoth Bernard Otieno Imran of ODM has emerged winner with 24,636 votes followed by Wanyama Mcdonal Mariga of Jubilee Party with 11,230 votes. For complete polls results updates check: Kibra by election results.

Kibra by-election 2019 Summary Details

Kibra Constituency seat was declared vacant after the passing of the then member of parliament (MP), Ken Okoth. Below are summary details of Kibra by election 2019:

  • Election Date: Thursday 7th November 2019
  • Results Declaration Date: Friday 8th November 2019
  • Total Number of Registered Voters: 118,658
  • Tallying Center: City Inspectorate Training College, Dagoretti
  • Wards in Kibra: Laini Saba, Lindi, Makina, Woodley and Sarangombe

List of Candidates participating in Kibra By election

IEBC Kibra By election winner candidates Okoth Bernard Otieno Imran of ODM and McDonald Mariga of Jubilee party
Kibra By election likely winner candidates Okoth Bernard Otieno Imran of ODM and McDonald Mariga of Jubilee party/Photo Source

Candidates that participated in the November 2019 Kibra by election from different political parties include:

  1. Anaclet Dorn: Democratic party of Kenya (DP)
  2. Andati Martin Luther Kinf:  Modern Alliance Party (MAP)
  3. Awuor Felix Anditi: Independent
  4. Chemiat Ibrahim Kimorko: Roots Party of Kenya (RPK)
  5. Kassim Abdul: The New Democrats (TND)
  6. Katiwa Titus Mutinda: Republican Liberty Party (RLP)
  7. Kengara Fridah Kerubo: Independent
  8. Khamisi Butichi Ramadhani: Forum for Restoration of Democracy-Kenya (FORD-KENYA)
  9. Muema Mathew Musyoka: Independent
  10. Nyakundi Jared Moseti: National Liberal Party (NLP)
  11. Nyamwamu Elijah Abusa: National Rainbow Coalition Kenya (NARC-KENYA)
  12. Ochieng Editar Adhiambo: Ukweli Party (UP)
  13. Ochieng Emmanuel Owiti: Green Congress of Kenya (GCK)
  14. Odanga David Ochieng: Independent
  15. Ogongo Isaac Odhiambo: Justice and Freedom Party (JFP)
  16. Okidi Fransco Ojiambo: Party of Democratic Unity (PDU)
  17. Okindo Shedrack Omondi: Independent
  18. Okoth Bernard Otieno Imran: Orange Democratic Movement (ODM)
  19. Ondieki Shem Ocharo: Muungano Party
  20. Opondo Okoth Abraham: Independent
  21. Owalo Eliud Okech: Amani National Congress (ANC)
  22. Twahir Malassen Hamida Musa: United Green Movement (UGM)
  23. Wanyama Mcdonal Mariga: Jubilee Party (JP)
  24. Winja Noah Migudo: Independent

Below are results for each candidate;

Likely Winners of Kibra by Election

The front runners in Kibra By election are Okoth Bernard Otieno Imran  of ODM, Eliud Owalo of ANC party and McDonald Mariga of Jubilee party.

According to media reports, the kibera seat appears to be a battle between Raila Odinga and William Ruto rather than the candidates themselves.

For updated of poll results and poll number check: Kibra by election polls results

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2 responses

  1. Sinclair Avatar

    congrats Imran you deserve it. For Mariga welcome to the political limelight you are a future leader indeed try another time it is just the beginning.

  2. VINCENT Avatar

    Hongera saaana Imran kwa kuibuka mshindi mm sikua huku Na Kama ningekua huko moja kwa moja kura yangu ungeipa(VINCENT kutoka MALINDI)

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