Grace Sabiri Mageka

Kenyayote outstanding scholar of the month is Grace Mageka

Our female outstanding scholar of the Month is Grace Mageka also known as Daughter of Africa (Published on February 9, 2015 and updated on July 4th, 2017)

About Grace Mageka


Grace Sabiri Mageka
Grace Sabiri Mageka/Photo


Grace Mageka is a pan African youth advocate, activist and leader who advocates for better youth policies in Africa. She is also a mentor, social change maker, a counselor and an innovator doing everything in her power to transition her community.

She is a youth champion for the Post 2015 development Agenda at the Voice Africa’s future campaign which is an initiative for African monitor.

She is the current East African Regional Coordinator at African Youth Association of Non-Governmental Organization (AYANGO).

Her aspiration is to inspire young people to develop skills and networks to build their countries and communities.


Meet Grace Mageka on twitter at @MagekaGrace

Follow us on Twitter: @kenyayote1 or Facebook: @kenyayote

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