How to prepare well for a long distance journey in Kenya, What to Carry for destinations

How to prepare well for a long distance journey in Kenya: What to Carry



What to carry when traveling: Are your planning to travel around Kenya? Below are some of the most important things that should carry or be aware of before the day of the journey.

How to prepare well for a long distance journey in Kenya, What to Carry for destinations
How to prepare well for a long distance journey in Kenya, What to Carry for destinations/Photo Wildland


Charge your electronic to full capacity

Electronic devices such as the phone, laptop and power bank should be charged well before you start traveling. Your electronics (phone, laptop e.t.c) will be important for communication and data recording purposes.

Have extra money out of your budget

Something might happen which will need you to spend extra than you anticipated. It is good to have your money both in cash and electronic form.

Collect your drugs/medication

This is for you who is under medication and you really need to go for that journey. Go for a medical check up and consult your doctor to be sure that the environmental changes won’t affect you. You might be interested to take some anti malaria if you are going to bushy areas.

Carry basic personal hygiene stuff

Carry your toothbrush, toothpaste, comb ,pants, body lotion and even deodorants in your bag early enough if you don’t want to forget. You will really need them.

Inform family and friends

Tell your family and friends that you will be going somewhere. Who knows what might happen while you are gone. Ensure that your close family members are saved in the In case of Emergency (ICE) code. The code is used to save phone numbers of close friends and family members that can be contacted incase of an emergency.

Some caution

It is not advisable to accept foodstuffs from strangers during your traveling adventures.


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