How to handle that unbearable campus , college room-mate

How to handle that unbearable campus room-mate



Dealing with Hostel Roommates: Whenever one joins campus, their prayer is to find a room mate whom they can definitely get along with. But then that is not always the case. There are always those unbearable roomates who seem to be on your lane all the time. From wearing your favourite attire without borrowing to feasting on your mouth-watering leftovers you had spared for breakfast.It is nerve wrecking more so when you have to put up with them for a whole semester or even more. When you find yourself in such a situation, below are some tips on how to go about it.

How to handle that unbearable campus , college room-mate
How to handle that unbearable campus , college room-mate/Photo


Remember communication is key

Explain yourself to them. You can start by politely letting them know your likes and dislikes.You should never assume that they know. While at it, try not to criticize,it might end up worsening the situation.

Set rules

Sit down together and come up with guidelines on what you expect of each other.There should be an attached consequence for breaking the rules. For instance you can take up turns cooking, agree on the favourable radio volume and even the number of visitors one can host at one given time…the list is enormous.

Try to be nice

When everything else seems to fail, sometimes all it takes is trying to be nice. Say hi when you pump into each other in the hallways. Introduce them to your friends and be there for them when in need. With time, they will learn to reciprocate and who knows, you might end up being best of friends!

There you have it, all the best


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