NTSA Interim driving license generate portal

How to get NTSA Interim Driving License



NTSA interim driving license can be generated using the application procedure that we will provide in the next steps.

The Interim DL generating portal was recently introduced after a court had stopped the production of interim driving licenses.

NTSA Interim driving license generate portal

How to apply for NTSA Interim Driving License

If you have just passed your driving test exams and you intend to start driving immediately then an interim driving license would be the document that you need to have.

The procedure is as follows,

  • Login into NTSA TIMS portal (skip to step 4 if you have already paid for interim DL via NTSA TIMS)
  • Apply for NTSA interim driving license
  • After you have paid and completed applying for an interim DL
  • Go to Generate Interim Driving License
  • Enter your ID number
  • Click Search
  • Your Interim driving license will be generated
  • Click Print Interim DL

NOTE: Interim driving license is valid for only six months. You should make sure that you have applied for a smart driving license immediately after applying for Interim DL.

Here is a procedure on how to apply for Smart DL

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4 responses

  1. Gaddiel Avatar

    I have already paid 750 using another my phone number but I didn’t see any changes since I wanted to download my enterim after paying?

  2. Abrahan KIPROTICH Avatar
    Abrahan KIPROTICH

    I want to know if my interim is ready

  3. Kelvin Maweu Avatar
    Kelvin Maweu

    I have paid for my interim yet I don’t have it what’s wronh

  4. Irungu njuguna Avatar
    Irungu njuguna

    I have pay my interim but I don’t have it in three weeks what wong

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