100 Million Learners Global Initiative launc in Kenya, Africa

100 Million Learners Global Initiative to launch in Kenya, Africa



Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University will on 22nd March 2022, launch the Francis and Dionne Najafi 100 Million Learners Global Initiative, in Nairobi, Kenya at the Villa Rosa Kempinski Hotel.

The initiative will be launched by ICT Cabinet Secretary Joseph Mucheru.

100 Million Learners Global Initiative launc in Kenya, Africa
Photo of Dionne Najafi , Dr. Sanjeev Khagram and Francis Najafi/ Source Thunderbird ASU

100 Million Learners Global Initiative in summary

The 100 Million Learners Global initiative seeks to provide 100 million learners with management and entrepreneurship skills for free.

Women will account for 70% of the 100 million learners targeted by the programme worldwide. Certificate courses will be offered in 40 different languages including Kiswahili.

There are three levels of learning that will be fully covered by the scholarship. They include:

  • Graduate courses for advanced graduate students. Examples of graduate courses includes global leadership, global entrepreneurship, digital marketing, global accounting, etc.
  • Undergraduate courses for current undergraduate students
  • Bootcamp for learners without a high school diploma

Below is an image of the pathways of learning

pathway of 100 Million Learners Global Initiative courses
100 Million Learners Global Initiative pathways of learning/ Source: thunderbird.asu.edu

The mode of learning will be online.

Learn more about 100 Million Learners.

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