High Blood pressure treatment and Home Remedies in Kenya

High Blood pressure treatment and Home Remedies in Kenya

Learn about high blood pressure treatment in Kenya and some of the best home remedies for hypertension management.

What is Blood pressure?

High blood pressure also known as hypertension, is a situation where the force of the blood against one’s artery is higher than usual.

Causes of High Blood Pressure

There are various causes of high blood pressure in Kenya. They include but are not limited to:

  • smoking
  • obesity
  • stress
  • high salt intake,
  • genetics

Home remedies for high blood pressure in Kenya

Some of the Home remedies for hypertension include:

  • Low salt intake

Salt increases the amount of sodium in your body, which works negatively with the flow of blood in the arteries. Therefore, the first home remedy of treating high blood pressure is reducing or completely avoiding salt intake.

  • Exercising

The other home remedy for high blood pressure is exercising. The reason is that with proper exercise, the pressure of the blood flowing in the arteries reduces making the blood pressure to flow reasonably. However, one should be cautious about the activities that they want to consider as a home remedy.

  • Foods to Eat

Eating foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help in lowering your blood pressure. Recommended  foods include:

  1. Oatmeal
  2. Beans
  3. strawberries
  4. Yogurt
  5. Bananas

Medical treatment of high blood pressure in Kenya

Several medicinal tablets are prescribed for the treatment of high blood pressure in Kenya. The most common drugs include:

High Blood pressure treatment and Home Remedies in Kenya
High Blood pressure treatment and Home Remedies in Kenya
  1. diuretics
  2. beta-blockers
  3. alpha-blockers
  4. alpha-agonists
  5. calcium channel blockers
  6. renin inhibitors
  7. e.t.c

Although they perform the same function, it is proper if you consult a physician or cardiologist before the use of any of the drugs.

Important! High blood pressure as higher chances of occurring in you if it runs in the family. Be sure to visit a doctor for check up if there is a history of hypertension in your family.

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