how to write a reference letter, sample and getting from professor, lecturer

How to get a reference letter from your professor, lecturer



As student there will come a time when you will need a reference letter from your professor. If you are seeking employment or just got a job and need a referee in your CV, your professor should come in mind. If you successfully got a scholarship to study abroad you will need a reference letter from your professor or lecturer. Heads of department and dean of students can at times also act as referees.


Professor and lectures usually have a busy schedule. It is important therefore to make sure that you meet them in person and find them at the right time when they have time to write you a reference letter.


However before meeting with your professor, it is important to also ask for recommendation from a professor who actually knows you well. As funny as it may sound some student don’t even bother to remember their professor’s name as soon as they are done with their courses or even interact with them outside class. To some professors, some students are complete strangers.

Choose a professor who knows you well enough to write a good recommendation based on your personality and achievements. Consider asking for a reference letter from a professor who not only knows you but with whom you have done more than just one course. Your latter of recommendation should give the reader the impression that the professor knows you very well.

If you may find it hardtop meet with your professor to ask for a letter of recommendation, you may consider writing them a mail. In the mail, be sure to send it early and make it short, specific and include only the necessary details.


Do not miss our update on how to write a reference letter and sample

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