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First Primary school Holds pupil’s elections with Presidential, Gubernatorial and Senatorial positions open for contest



Elimu Academy
Photo credit: World News Network

If you thought that student’s elections was a practice meant for higher institutions of learning then here is a surprise. Kisii County’s Elimu Academy held its first pupils election that attracted a total of 600 voters. The election was a reflection of the general election with the positions of President, Governor, Women Representative and Senator Open for contest.

The voting and counting process at Elimu Aacademy lasted for four hours. The winner of the Presidential position was Obed Ndemo with Tilan Nyatuka coming as his deputy. In attendance of the election was the former Assistant Minister of Trade David Kombo and Kisii County assembly member, Mengo Ochwang’i

According to the school head, the election was conducted to instill a sense of democracy to students and do away with the old formula where the management was mandated with the responsibility of appointing head boys and head girls. The elected pupil leaders will be answerable to what they do to their voters. The voters will also have a chance of collecting signatures to impeach a non-performing leader.

It should also be remembered that in 2012 Elimu Academy produced two stars who won the national peace film award under the film “TIME.” Elimu Academy is also among the primary schools in Kenya which were affected by the 2008 post election violence.

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