Fastest growing small scale businesses in Kenya

Fastest growing small scale businesses in Kenya



With the growing number of jobless youth in the country, many have resolved to venture into business. While some may think it needs a lot of capital to start, the truth is there are so many small scale businesses that require minimal capital. Here is a list of the fastest growing small scale businesses in Kenya that could help you get started.


Mitumba industry


This is one of the booming businesses in Kenya right now. People are embracing it and sellers are making a kill from it every single day. From shoes to clothes, handbags to household stuff, Mitumba business is definitely one of those businesses you would consider. Besides the cash needed to start is not much. From as little as Kshs. 500,you will be good to go.


Garbage collection


With towns and cities working  on maintaining high cleanness  standards, garbage collection is one business that  has opened  avenues for many young people. You just need to get contracts from home owners and the city/town authority  and you are set to go. It however  needs a lot of patience.


Chicken raring


With the growing demand for eggs and white meat, chicken  raring is one business  to look out for. You don’t  really need much space to start this and little  capital  is needed  as well. So if you are not afraid of getting a little dirty, this could  be your  goldmine.


Charcoal  selling


This is one of those businesses  with guaranteed  daily sales. People  use charcoal  on daily  basis to cook in their homes. Business people  in the hotel  industry  also use them. So you see, with  it you can never go wrong. It’s  also said that the profit  margins are awesome. All you need is a good, reliable  supplier  and a selling  spot on a high traffic  area. Get your hands dirty, smile to the bank at the end of the day.


Egg/sausage/Samosa and smoky vending


It’s  said that  in business  you can never go wrong with food. Well this is one business  you will definitely  want to consider. The profit is good  and the start-up capital  is not much. You will need a spot at a high traffic  area as well as an aggressive and Customer  friendly   sales person. There is also an option  of moving around hawking and it still works.

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