Healthy foods to east to keep your skin smooth, clear, flawless

Expert Opinion: Foods to eat to keep your skin smooth, clear, pimple free, flawless



This is an expert opinion on what foods you should eat to maintain your facial skin smooth, pimple free, clear, flawless  and retain your beauty. The post was adopted from Chef The Kahonge’s page.

Healthy foods to east to keep your skin smooth, clear, flawless
Healthy foods to east to keep your skin smooth, clear, flawless/Photo


Keeping your facial Skin clear with The Kahonge skin care advice: Lifestyle change.

There is no silver bullet to perfect skin, you have to look at the big picture. In fact, before I started observing a healthier lifestyle, my skin had pimples and it was just not that good. These are some of the changes that will help you improve your health and skin while at it.


  1. Water: Drinking about 2 litres a day helps to moisturize the skin from the inside as well as remove toxins that cause bad skin.
  2. Coconut oil: I could never touch a lotion with a 10 ft barge pole. The only product that touches my skin is virgin coconut oil, the one I cook with too, not the one in the beauty section, the cooking oil section. It works miracles.
  3. Exercise: Take morning walks. It also detoxifies which helps the skin in the long term.
  4. Food: Needless to say, you are what you eat. Eat bad food, get bad skin. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, real kienyeji eggs, wild seafood, poultry, clean meats like the Somali goat that is free range and pasture-fed. Nuts, seeds and spices help as well.
  5. Bones broth: Studies show that the collagen in broth is so good for your skin, even commercial skin care products market themselves to have collagen although it is nowhere close to naturally obtained collagen.

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