How to deal with a drug addicted teenager, Parents Guide, rehabilitation in kenya

How to deal with a drug addicted teenager: Parents Guide



Drug addiction is one of the worst nightmares every parent would never wish to deal with. But unfortunately sometimes, no matter how good of a parent one can be,some unfortunate behaviors just happen. One of them is drug addiction.One minute you are dealing with a calm pre-teen then the next minute you are putting up with a rebellious teenager whose whereabouts are just but a mystery. Then the next thing you know, they are so deep into drugs that you wonder where you went wrong.

How to deal with a drug addicted teenager, Parents Guide, rehabilitation in kenya
How to deal with a drug addicted teenager, Parents Guide, rehabilitation in Kenya/Photo


The first thing to do when you become aware of your teenager’s addiction problem is to calm down. Let yourself cool down before confronting your child. That way, you will be aware of each and every word that you will utter. Remember your words/actions can either destroy or make.


When you have calmed down, then you can create a conducive environment for the discussion.You can decide to take him/her for refreshment away from home or simply click on a movie after meals.You can also choose to invite a close family member they trust to offer support. Most probably someone in the same age-bracket as them for connection purposes.

Then approach the issue with much calmness. You need to be patient as well. Expect any form of reaction from them and be ready with tactics on how to counter them. For instance incase it is a boy, then a male figure comes in handy incase they try to escape.Give them a hug if they break down and assure them that everything will be okay. It is vital for them to know you will support them. Offer a listening ear and restrain from being judgmental. Be gentle but firm.

Afterwards,take them to a specialist for proper treatment. Be by their side throughout the process and work towards rebuilding your relationship while reassuring them of their worth.


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