Chief Justice David Maraga Issues Statement on Threats Against Judiciary

Chief Justice David Maraga issued a statement this afternoon speaking against attacks on the Judiciary. Maraga noted that some judges have been targeted in what is widely seen as an attempt to intimidate the judiciary.

The Chief Justice said while picketing is allowed by the constitution, violence against JSC workers and/or their families will not be tolerated. He also revealed that the judiciary’s request to Inspector General of police Boinett for more security for JSC officers was ignored.

Maraga said that if anything happens to judges and/or their families, those threatening judges will be personally held responsible. He added that JSC officers swore to serve Kenyan and uphold the rule of law and that they are ready to pay the ultimate price for the same.

Maraga also alluded to the incident where Kirinyaga gubernatorial aspirant Martha Karua was barred by hostile rioters from filing papers for her petition against the election of former CS Anne Waiguru. He termed this as a deliberate attempt to hinder the JSC from carrying out its mandated duties.

Jubilee supporters have been for the better part of the day rioting in the city centre and other strongholds of the party. The protesters were airing displeasure over the Supreme Court’s nullification of the presidential polls. The protestors accused the Supreme Court of stealing their victory as they called for a recount of votes.

Meanwhile the apex court registrar has said that the Supreme Court will issue its full judgement on the 8th August elections tomorrow. The judgment will be delivered from 10am.

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