teachers storm KNUT headquarters, want Sossion kicked out

Chaos at KNUT Headquarter as rival members want Wilson Sossion kicked out

A section of anti Wilson Sossion KNUT members today stormed the union headquarters demanding for the resignation of their SG Sossion ahead of parliamentary hearings on TSC vs KNUT rows today .

teachers storm KNUT headquarters, want Sossion kicked out
A section of teachers want KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion kicked out/Photo Source

KNUT Headquarter Chaos today

Today, Thursday 29th August 2019, at about 9:00 AM,  KNUT headquarters at  Mfangano Street turned chaotic for about 30 minutes after a handful of KNUT National Executive Committee members  stormed the office demanding the resignation of their Secretary General Wilson Sossion.

While speaking to the media one of them said “KNUT is an organization for registered teachers, Sossion is a deregistered teacher. We do not want him out, we want the law to be followed.

Their argument being that Wilson Sossison was deregistered by TSC as a teacher therefore he should not serve the union.

At about 10: 00 AM Anti-riot police had made their way to the KNUT Headquarters to contain the situation.

Wilson Sossion rebellions

This is not the first time for  a section of KNUT executive members to storm the office to demand for his resignation. Sossion who is now a nominated member of parliament this time appears to be facing a bigger rebellion force backed  Teachers Service Commission and Ministry of  education who he is at loggerheads with.

Time will tell whether he will overcome it this time.

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