career coaching in kenya, career events in kenya

Career Coaching in Kenya: Discover Your Career Identity Workshop

My Career Identity is a Career Coaching and Mentorship program that aims at equipping students and professionals with career coaching services aimed at career and professional growth and development. The organization was developed to help students to really understand their true potential, motives and interests and to be guided through a pathway of career and education options that are most suitable for them.

career coaching in kenya, career events in kenya
Career coaching in Kenya event: Discover Your Career Identity Workshop/Photo

On 20th of this month (April) My Career Identity is planning for a one day major Career Workshop for teenagers aged between 14 and 21 years. The “Discover Your Career Identity”Workshop will be at the Michael Joseph Centre in Westlands. The one day event will run from 8:30 am to 4:00pm. Discover Your Career Identity is an event organised by My Career Identity targeting High School Students as Well as High School Graduates, College and University students. The event will be on 20th April 2017 at the Michael Joseph Centre, Safaricom House.

The objectives of the event will be to enable students to learn more about their careers and make informed career choices with the guidance of qualified career coaches. Additionally, the event will serve as a networking opportunity for students to interact with professionals and learn how to go about aligning their career choices with their passions and life goals. The participants will be taken through a career coaching session and a mentorship session. Additionally, we will administer psychometric tests aimed at helping the participants to discover their passions and link them to their career of choice.

From the age bracket of workshop participants (14 – 21) it is evident that these are individuals in High school, those who have just graduated from high school as well as university students. The Registration fee for the event is Ksh. 1,500 paid in Cash or via MPESA to PayBill No. 899936. The account number is your phone number. For this fee, the participant will be able to access the Career Workshop and mentorship opportunities from My Career Identity mentors that will enable them set and work towards realising their career objectives. There are limited slots currently remaining.

For any inquiries or clarifications, contact us at 0780 422 743 or email us

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