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Campus Students Face Accommodation Agony on the Reporting Week



By Moses Wanjama

Accommodation crisis in university as first years report: Majority of University students from JKUAT, Moi, Egerton University,Kenyatta University and UoN just to mention a few, reported to their respective institutions yesterday with the rest of the students expected to join the former,later this week.The lads and lasses early move to school should not be misunderstood by the thirst for knowledge.No,the main objective being the need to acquire rooms. This prompts the comrades to arrive early in the morning and crowd outside their respective accommodation authority waiting impatiently to be served.

Students claim that the high demand for rooms by the vast student population induces the students to be seriously concerned with the early gold rush for the rooms,bearing in mind the challenges faced by students who miss rooms.The agonizing pain of digging deep into your pocket and balancing the budgetary constraints of a student is an ultimate quagmire consequently including commuting expenses or rent. The only options being to either “pirate” or buy a room at exorbitant charges. An exotic single room in UoN may go for about 25k per semester. Now you can visualize the craze of simple figures. You miss a room for a whole year and all you can do is pay a whooping 50k.
Let’s just hope that the accommodation authorities in the respective institutions will decipher these issues and create harmonious living spaces in our campuses.

Moses Wanjama is Kenyayote Guest blogger. You can contact  (  for any inquiry.

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