Babu Owino president 2027

Babu Owino’s 2027 presidential ambition



By Cleophas:

SONU chairman Paul Ongili alias Babu Owino has made open his intention of contesting for presidency sit in 2027 . Babu is in his third term now as chairman of the University of Nairobi student body and has sent the clearest indications that this will be his last term as he prepares to join National politics in 2017.

Babu Owino has been a fierce fighter for student rights in Kenya earning him a fanatical following from the comrades. His style of politics resonates perfectly well with Kenya national politicians like Ferdinand Waititu and Sonko.

Babu Owino lost the Westlands parliamentary seat in 2013 but is unbowed yet as he plans another stab in 2017 which he hopes to use to popularise himself ahead of 2027 Presidential elections.

Babu will be relying on fellow comrades who reside or study in Westlands in order to capture the sit given that the constitution allows anyone vote from anyplace as long as they meet the voting registration requirements.

A question of whether he will win or not is a matter of wait and see.

This post was submitted by our guest writer Cleophas who is a student at the University of Nairobi. You can contact him via cleosaoi (at)

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